Project manager: Priv.-Doz. Dr. H. Schmidt
Funding period: 2008 - 2013
Funding agency: DFG, Bonn
Funding reference: SCHM1569/12
Contact: Dr.-Ing. Aleksandra Newirkowez
The aim of this application is the production and characterization of nanostructured ceramic hard coatings in the system (TixWyCrz)B2 as well as an understanding of the formation processes of the microstructures. The layer deposition is carried out with reactive magnetron sputtering and subsequent annealing and in-situ precipitation of nanocrystalline phases. The sputter layers are characterized with regard to their morphology, their nanostructure and their chemical composition and correlated with the hardness values. In addition to TU Clausthal, Prof. Dr. R. Telle from RWTH Aachen University is involved as a cooperation partner.