Mission statement
The technological progress of recent years has been shaped and realized above all by the use of state-of-the-art materials. Only if the continuously increasing knowledge of materials science is made available to the user directly and at short notice is it possible to make optimum and economically sensible use of our ever scarcer resources. In particular, dialog between users and developers is necessary to ensure the smoothest possible transfer of knowledge. At the same time, this requires materials technology to consider all stages of the value chain, from production, processing and shaping through to the verification of properties by means of adapted test procedures and the use of quality assurance systems, and to consider all stages of the research and development process through to the component or complete product as an object of research.
As one of six research centers at Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal Center of Materials Technology (CZM) pools the expertise of its scientists from various disciplines in the field of materials technology. This creates the conditions for working on challenging, interdisciplinary projects in joint research clusters. The membership of other scientists from TU Braunschweig, Leibniz Universität Hannover and the Laserzentrum Hannover e.V. further expands the group of people involved and thus creates the conditions for a meaningful expansion of the German research landscape in the field of materials.
Research focus
CZM's materials technology research focuses on the core areas of technical materials - metals, polymer materials and inorganic / non-metallic materials. Building on the latest findings in basic materials research in these core areas, the center's applied research focuses on novel solutions for future applications in key technologies using multi-material structures (MMS). With this objective in mind, the CZM focuses on answering urgent questions / requirements in the following sectors:
- Chemistry and materials
- Energy and environment
- Metals and electronics
- Pharmaceuticals and health
- Technology and telecommunications
- Traffic, transportation and logistics
Based on new results in basic materials research, MMS with high strength under extreme conditions, especially at high temperatures and under high wear and corrosion stresses, as well as high stiffness with the lowest possible weight, are to be developed through suitable interdisciplinary cooperation.
Special optical, electrical, magnetic and mechanical properties of the MMS for special areas of application and for modern sensor/actuator functions are to be generated through material combinations, layer structure, graded structural design and micro- and nanoscale substructures.
Goals and tasks
- Acquisition and processing of application-oriented basic research projects in the field of metallic, non-metallic-inorganic and polymer materials and their synergistic use
- Implementation of materials in components and development/implementation of processes/process chains for the design of structures
- Acquisition of industrial projects in the above-mentioned fields of work and mapping of the entire process chain for defined key applications
- Training young scientists and designing and supervising Bachelor's and Master's theses; incorporating current topics into teaching; designing further training measures at all hierarchical levels