The Materials Technology Symposium was held for the first time in 2015 and takes place every two years. It is the CZM conference at which interested parties from science and industry can present their current topics in the field of materials science and materials engineering. The special feature of the symposium is its openness to all research disciplines that are dedicated to materials technology issues; at all stages of the process chain from materials development to processing. We regularly welcome up to 200 guests to the Aula Academica at Clausthal University of Technology.
!!!Next date: February 20/21, 2025 - You can register here!!!
Publication -referenced-
All English contributions will be published in a refereed conference volume as part of the CZM publication series "Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik".
In addition, the contribution will also be published in digital form as an open access publication.
Best Presentation Award
The three best presentations will be awarded prizes by the program committee.
The program of the last symposium can be found here.