Project manager: Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Ziegmann
Funding period: 04/19 - 03/21
Innovative pane systems made of non-detachable glass-polymer sandwich composites were developed in a preliminary project with the associated manufacturing processes. The advantages and disadvantages of the very different material groups glass and plastic were to be combined in such a way that property optimizations adapted to them can be implemented for specific applications. In comparison to commercially available bonded material composites made of glass and polymer, this material is characterized by a covalent bond between the polymer core and the glass layers, so that the boundary layer adhesion is clearly superior to competing products and shear stiffness between the cover layers can be guaranteed.
In order to further increase the impact strength of the composite and its residual load-bearing capacity and thus target more far-reaching market segments with the project partner KRD Sicherheitstechnik GmbH, the interactions between the hybrid components and newly introduced SiO2 nanoparticles are being researched in this project. The development of novel nanoparticle suspensions for the incorporation of SiO2 nanoparticles into the polymer core is also the focus, as is their characterization and influence on important process variables.